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Are Monstera Plants Toxic To Birds? [ Here’s The Truth ]

Are Monstera Plants Toxic To Birds? [ Here’s The Truth ]

Monstera has been a very ‘easy to take care’ plant if you have a pretty spacious area. With the proper care and appropriate environment, it can grow very well.

It is often known as Swiss Cheese because of holes on the leaves and the long ribbon-like design. According to experienced gardeners, even though the lifespan of Monstera plants is probable but are claimed to have a lifetime of about 40+ years.

When it comes to the owners who have a love for both birds and tropical plants, they have to balance their affection quite well to sustain the lives of both. The toxicity of any plant should be checked multiple times before they adopt it with their pet.

Even though the level of toxicity or poison intake present depends on both the plant variant and the immunity and size of the bird, it is the owners’ responsibility to be quite aware of all these.

Being fatal, the upsetting of the gastric line of the pets can be a cause of them nibbling on something unethical. And a vet should be contacted the next moment if something is sensed.

The art of learning how to grow a Monstera can be a little complex with unlimited lessons, several chapters of unheard discoveries sometimes, especially when you have a bird as your pet. But the following are the tips and tricks you can be aware of and get well equipped to help both a monstera and a bird.

Are Monstera plants toxic to birds?

Generally, birds are seen to love being around plants. Plants provide them with the environment they want to be in. Even Veteran Doctors advise individuals who have birds as their pets to provide them with an environment filled with plants.

Although birds feel comfortable, there is a list of plants that are very harmful to them. At times there are even chances of the bird collapsing. Along with Shamrock, Philodendron, etc., Monstera is one such plant that is toxic for a bird.

Monstera, the genus, is a very familiar name among indoor plants.

This plant has been referred to as toxic by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals.

The sole reason is the presence of calcium oxalate crystals in all of its parts. Birds often are seen trying to chew plants kept around them.

If the genus is ingested, the presence of Calcium oxalate crystals in its leaves is highly irritating. They irritate the mouth and even the stomach.

If your bird has taken a bite, it is undoubtedly not going to have a great time, and neither will you.

It can be very painful. According to research conducted by The Swedish Poisons Information Center, it is seen that it is highly poisonous and causes pain in the mouth and throat as well.

In most cases, birds show signs of irritation, but one has to understand that the risk is high when an uncommon swelling occurs. Being a Philodendron, Monstera is definitely on the poisonous list for birds.

The fruit that these plant bears are green and quite fleshy.

The immature fruit contains a high amount of oxalic acid that is inedible and toxic. Therefore, one can reasonably assume how much oxalic acid it will contain once it gets matured. The levels can be too high and risky for your bird.


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Things that can be done if your bird eats the Monstera

If, in case your tiny pet, out of curiosity, has taken a bite of Monstera, do not panic. There might be a probability of visible irritations. So you can start with stabilizing and cleaning your bird.

Gently pat and sway your hands on its body to give some comfort to it.

What can be done next is give it a bird toy or some clay bird supplements to nibble on so that the toxic bite could be spilled out immediately.

Various medical cleansers for pets can be used to bathe the bird very gently. Once the bite is out, there is nothing to worry about.

Keep birds safe from Monstera Plants

There are not many, but few effective ways as to how intake of this toxic plant Monstera can be prevented. Due to a lack of general awareness, bird owners do not always know their birds’ do’s and don’ts.

To increase their knowledge, veterinary professionals are advised to educate bird owners on plants that may be highly poisonous and toxic for their pets.

This avoids the risk of accidental exposure and saves your bird from ingesting the leaves. An individual owning a bird can be fond of a Monstera being a tropical plant.

In that case, the best they can do to avoid birds reaching out to that plant is to keep them in the cage majority of the time or remove the plant permanently from their homes.

The curious, playful nature of birds often lands them in danger due to such plant toxicosis. If birds accidentally ingest the leaves, owners should then and there contact their vet.

With the process of aggressive decontamination, toxicosis caused by plants can be prevented.

In the realm of veterinary medicines, actual cases of plant toxicoses in birds are not well treated. Therefore, one must be careful enough before it takes a heavy toll on our pets.

Also read:

  1. How to keep monstera plant upright: Here are some simple ways
  2. Are monstera plants edible?

Final words:

Well, birds are often observed to eat plants as a part of their regular living. Be it out of curiosity or their longed hunger, but little did they know about the toxicity present in a plant.

Sometimes, because the pet birds are always kept inside their cages, they are used to eating the material served in front of them. This is why owners should take care of the plants they choose to keep in their house while they have a bird.

Yes, some toxins can create some ingestion when consumed by birds, while the others have a chance of killing them straight.

A lot of books and studies have been published by experienced doctors and scientists all over the world. After all, every life matters for a beautiful planet to exist, be it a huge plant or a tiny bird!