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Do Jade Plant Need Sunlight? [ Know The Answer ]

Jade plants are the symbol of good luck. Many people like to grow jade plants in their gardens because of their beauty. Also, these plants are easy to grow and take care of.

You do not have to be an expert at gardening to pot jade plants. Everyone can learn the maintenance of these indoor plants with ease.

In this article, we cover the significant aspects one must know about growing and taking care of your plant friends. Keep reading to know all the details.

Do jade plants need sunlight?

Jade plants need sunlight to grow. To grow properly, these plants need full sun. Due to the lack of direct sun, the plants will become stunted and leggy. The best temperature of these plants is 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime.

At night time, the temperature range falls between 50 to 55 degrees. The plants will survive in temperatures higher than that also if they get proper sunlight.

Other than sunlight and temperature, you should take care of factors like water and fertilization as well. Fertilization of plants must be done once in about six months.

Always use a balanced and water-soluble fertilizer. One extremely significant thing to keep in mind is that you should never add fertilizer to dry soil. Always water the plant first and then add fertilizer.

You can also add water mixed with fertilizer in the pots for extra care.

Neither let the soil in the pots become dry too often nor water the plants too frequently.

Instead of scheduling when to water, you must water when the topsoil becomes dry to touch. Too little water can cause problems like a leaf spot or losing leaves.

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Can a jade plant survive without sunlight?

Jade plants cannot survive without sunlight. Not many people know that it is a succulent type plant. Succulent-type plants grow in harsh environments, and so Jade plants also have similar characteristics. To grow well, they need full sun. The photosynthesis process of these plants gets completed via lush green leaves.

Insufficient sunlight will inhibit the food-making process of the lush green leaves, thus impacting the entire plant. Such plants will not show any signs of growth and will not survive for too long.

For the leaves to make enough food in a day, you must keep the pots in sunlight for at least 4 to 5 hours a day.

It is fine if you reduce the sun for a few days, but it must not be regular.

Never miss keeping the pots in the sun for consecutive days, or else the plants will die.

Jade plants survive in conditions that resemble natural habitats. The plants grow very well indoors also.

All you need to do is take care of a few things before placing them in your living room or bedroom. Below are some of the places where you can keep your pots.

A place where it can receive direct sunlight for a few hours 

You can place your Jade plants in places like a patio or a balcony attached to your bedroom or living room. Although it is not a perfect indoor space but is ideal for the survival of the plants. This way, they will receive enough sunlight.

Near a window that receives sunlight

Placing your jade pots near a window is also a good option. This place can be in your bedroom or living room to enhance the indoor beauty of your house.

Just make sure that you place the pots near a window that receives sunlight.

Natural light will help the plant to grow at a steady rate. The growth of such a plant will surely be less in comparison to a plant placed on a balcony. But the plant will grow without causing any issues.

A place where that receives partial sunlight

Do not worry if you do not have a window in your room. Keep the jade plants in a room receiving natural light for a couple of hours a day, which will give a steady growth in the plants.

A shaded place

If your house does not receive enough sunlight, then a shady room is the last option.

Try to find a corner that generally looks well-lit in the daytime. Although it can survive in such a room, do not expect the best growth results. Due to a slow growth rate, you will not have to re-pot the plants too often.


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How much sunlight does a jade plant need?

Jade plants need full sun for 4 to 5 hours every day. They can handle direct sunlight outdoors or light streaming in through windows. Most houseplants get sunburn when exposed to direct sun. However, jade plants need direct light for their growth. Although they will grow even in little light, they will not flourish in this way.

It is a tropical plant, and so it hates cold conditions. You can also put the pots containing jade plants in an outdoor garden but protect them from nighttime temperatures.

If you suddenly decide to move the plants outdoors, they may take some time to adapt to the direct sunshade. Move them out once the temperature is at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

First, place the pots in a protected spot before moving them outdoors. This way, they will adjust to the outdoor temperature and light conditions.

Let the plants enjoy full sunlight in the morning, but protect them from afternoon rays, if possible. When the nighttime temperature begins to fall, move the pots indoors again.

Ideally, jade plants need exposure to direct sunlight every day.

But this does not mean that they cannot grow in low light. You can grow them in a relatively dark place or a room with no windows.

When grown in low light, their leaves will be slightly darker in color, and the growth will be relatively lesser. If you do not have issues with this, you can put them in your living room, bedroom, or dressing room.


  1. Can you keep jade plants outdoor?

Can jade plants survive in artificial sunlight?

Jade plants can survive in artificial light. Do not get disheartened if a sunny place is not available in your house. You can place the pot under adequate artificial lights also. Make a two-bulb fixture if you are using a fluorescent light. In the two-bulb structure, one must be a cool-white bulb and another one for plant use.

The labeled bulb will provide a full range of light to the plants.

Protect the plants from cold and dusty windows by placing a curtain or shade over the windows. You can also put the plants at some distance from the window at night-time.

Jade plants were initially grown in South Africa due to warm and dry weather. Due to the dry weather, they have a feature of storing water in fleshy leaves and smooth-skinned stems.

Bright light is significant for the growth of these plant parts.

Otherwise, they become leggy and less vigorous. If you live in a warm place where you can keep the plants outdoors throughout the year, put them in a location that gets full sun.

At a hot place, the scorching afternoon heat may harm them. So place the plants at a location that receives light shade during the hottest hours of the day.

Jades are a tricky species of plants. However, they can get affected by a sudden increase in light. Sudden exposure to highly intense light can scorch the leaves and produce brown spots.

It will make the plant unhealthy and unattractive. The effect of sudden changes may affect the older plants less, but young plants are more prone to such changes, and their growth will get affected.

Irrespective of the age of your jade plants, move them gradually to a brighter location so that they get enough time to adjust to the new environment.

If you want jade plants in your indoor garden but cannot find a spot that receives natural light, you can use an artificial lighting source.

All you need to keep in mind is the light should not be too bright.

Put them under a fluorescent lamp set up only for 4 to 5 hours every day. If possible, purchase a set-up where you can vary the intensity according to the light requirements of the plants.

End Thoughts

Jade is one of those houseplants that require minimal care, maintenance, and attention. It is a tropical plant, and so it grows best in sunlight.

It requires temperatures higher than 65 Fahrenheit and direct exposure to sunlight for at least 4 to 5 hours daily to flourish.

You can also place your jade plants in a partially lighted location or under artificial light.

The only effect of less light is a slow growth rate in plants.

Other requirements of jade plants are frequent watering, fertilized soil, and a proportionate pot. We hope that this article will help you take better care of your jade plants.