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Do Monstera Plants Attract Bugs? [ Here’s The Answer ]

Monsteras are moist-loving plants that are even sturdy. By any chance, if a bug is attracted to the plant, it can disturb its growth and development. It starts by turning their leaves yellow, shrinking leaves, yellow spots, twisting of foliage and stems, and annihilating the complete plant.

Since Monsteras are sturdy plants, it draws in bugs just when kept in undesirable conditions for a long duration of time.

Overwatering, over-fertilizing, high amounts of moistness and bad ventilation are likely the reasons for bugs’ attacks, and they can be attacked by bugs through other individual plants as well.

Do monstera plants attract bugs?

At the point when unchecked for a longer duration of time, a bug infestation can create devastation on your monstera! We all love monsteras for the trademark – their leaves.

However, bugs can eat the hole, which we do DON’T want! It is important to remove the creepy bugs off your monstera before they cause huge damage. Scale bugs will predominantly attack your monstera’s stem and leaves over its foliage.

The scale bug will show up a level and round fit and are tiny in stature.

Signs that scale bugs impact your plant are leaf drop or yellowing leaves and white and yellowish spots on the leaves, stems, or branches.

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How do you get rid of bugs in monstera?

Now that we know that bugs may attract monstera, we would have to find out ways to get rid of them. To remove them, taking them out is quite effective.

You can utilize your fingers or a toothpick, butter knife, or something similar to remove the same; simply be careful not to cut your plant while removing the bugs! At the point when you’ve taken out what you can, splash the plants with Leaf Armor, neem oil, or a delicate insecticidal cleanser like Safer Soap.

Insects don’t need to have a debacle for your monstera! Stay cautious, go to preparatory lengths to forestall pervasions, and get bugs off your monstera when you notice any kind of problems.

You’ll have the most joyful monstera on the square!

Some of the easy ways to get rid of bugs are as mentioned here:


In some cases, the easiest arrangement is the best thing to be done.

Pull the bugs off your plant! Any insects can be killed with cotton-absorbed diluted alcohol, and all you need to do is wipe away the bug with a clammy material.

This is particularly viable against mealybugs, yet it additionally deals with different bugs as well.

Scale bugs can be scratched away with your fingernail, and thrips and aphids can be brushed away with a clammy material.

More drastic measures are needed for more extreme contaminations. Monsteras gets an advantage from forceful pruning, and plagued leaves ought to be hacked off and disposed of totally.


A hose or a showerhead can be utilized to wash thrips, and insect parasites from your monstera say everything.

This is particularly advantageous to Big Monstera since it permits you to clean the leaves completely of residue, garbage, and bugs.

Syringing Plants

This technique includes spurting pests clear with a water stream utilizing a syringe or an air bulb.

It is similarly safe for yourself as well as your plant, and it is a magnificent decision for the beginning phases of invasion. It’s a downsized rendition of showering your plant and a magnificent decision for bugs that can’t be moved.

Sticky Traps

Thrips, whiteflies, and grown-up aphids are drawn to the dazzling yellow shade of sticky traps.

They land on the trap and can’t get away. They’re an extraordinary protection measure for your assortment, and they can be examined consistently to perceive what’s humming near.

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What are the common bugs you see in monstera plants?

Some of the common bugs that grow on Monstera Plants are as mentioned below:

Mealybugs (Pseudococcidae)

Mealybugs are a kind of sap-sucking bug, and they are pale and look just like a little wad of a cushion. These bugs set up a camp on your plant’s veins, penetrating the extreme external layers with a sharp proboscis.

Sipping gradually, in turn, they, in a real sense, drain the life out of your monstera and ruin it.

The attack of a mealybug is inevitable if the stems and petioles of your monstera sprout minuscule patches of the cottony cushion.

The outcome is generally a yellowing plant with wiped-out-looking patched leaves. Check out for subterranean insects as well. Honeydew, a syrup of concentrated sugars taken from your plant, is radiated by mealybugs.

Ants simply love it and often move mealybugs from one plant to other plants, similar to a human farmer who moves his dairy crowd from one field to another. We have frequently seen insects walking around the pots before we see mealybugs, so watch out.

The best way to combat mealybug perversions is to just eliminate them.

Apply a touch of diluted liquor to a cotton tip, then, at that point, wipe the bug directly off the plant.

This helps in easy removal. Watch out for re-infestation at regular intervals. Mealybugs lay a huge amount of eggs, and those bombs go off every five to seven days.

Spider Mites (Tetranychidae)

Spider mites are small ones that are often hard to see with the unaided eye. They range from dark to red to white in color.

They turn smooth strings across their victims, encompassing them as they intake the sap inside.

This silk is the clearest sign that you are in a difficult situation.

Spider bugs leave unmistakable sensitive brown spots on the two sides of the monstera’s leaves. The harm is generally more severe close to veins; however, it can show up anywhere on the plant.

The spider mites similar to mealybugs are best taken out by ourselves. Monsteras are rainforest species, so they like to be splashed with a shower or hose.

Petioles and the foundation of aeronautical roots ought to be flushed entirely because bugs want to stow away here.

Spider bugs incline toward a dry, low-mugginess climate, so keeping decent tropical dampness around your great lovelies will assist with warding them off too.

Scale Insects

Scale bugs are an exciting foe for any indoor plant. While they are delicate-bodied and soft, these shrewd critters fabricate strong external shells that look like little brown colored knocks.

They make bunches on stems and petioles and can be confused with rising aerial roots. You may not understand you have a scale bug perversion until it is seen well on your plant.

They suck sap and emit honeydew like mealybugs, so watch out for the march of ants.

They additionally transport scale bugs from one plant to another and are a decent pointer that your monstera is in a tough situation.

Even after having a protective layer, scale bugs are amazingly vulnerable and can be killed with insignificant movements.

They have fragile mouthparts that are effectively damaged, causing them to kick the starvation.

Give your Monstera decent flushing, or take the bugs out manually. They are probably going to die in case they are upset in any way. Take a look at all veins under leaves, as scale-like to stow away close to their food source.


Aphids are a significant irritation for indoor gardeners. Most of the bugs are about the size of a sesame seed and are found in colors from pale transparent to black, green, and brown.

They replicate quickly, with a solitary aphid fit for bringing forth enough to cover even the hardest house plant surprisingly fast. They are not to be messed with. Luckily, aphids detest monstera and seldom attack them.

However, if you have flare-ups on different plants in your collection, you will very likely get a walking front of trespassers taking their risks.

If you’ve seen aphids on your monstera, it’s ideal to begin by physically eliminating them with careful washing, which you need to do a few times per week if possible.

This is a great deal of work, mainly if you’ve stuck a vining monstera to a divider or other substantial element.

Your next choice is to shower neem oil or agricultural soap directly onto the plant. Try to get into the plant’s nook and spots, particularly around the petioles.


Thrips are a troublesome nuisance to recognize. They look like tiny dark fragments and are generally misidentified as stray preparing mediums or build-up.

It’s a lot simpler to see their harm, which shows up as silvering of the leaves.

Thrips suck the green-colored chlorophyll from your Monstera leaves, leaving just the blank structure. Grown-up thrips have wings and can move from one plant to another without much of a stretch.

Thrips are another one that can’t withstand a solid jet of water, so a decent shower will dispose of most of these little nasties.

Without even using that, neem oil or horticulture cleanser treatment will get the job done.

Specific individuals suggest cleaning down the silvered part of the plant with a diluted liquor solution yet tread carefully. Assuming you need to attempt this strategy, first play out a patch test on your monstera.


Whiteflies are minor flying bugs about the size of a sesame seed. They look just like the mealybugs. Hence, if you give your monstera a knock and are abruptly amassed by minimal white bugs, you’re dealing with whiteflies.

These little ones suck sap from the leaves, debilitating them. While whiteflies don’t especially appreciate eating monstera, they’re worth ensuring for the very reason that aphids are.

They lean toward plants with milder leaves; however, if they have a chance that they’ve plagued your indoor nursery, they will not turn down your monstera.

Yellow tacky cards are accessible on Amazon, and are successful anti-agents for flying pests.

They are a low-sway choice for drawing in and catching grown-up whiteflies, which keeps them from laying eggs. Pervasions of whiteflies react well to neem oil or green cleansers also.

Fungus Gnats

Regardless of how cautious you are, fungus gnats will eventually show up in your indoor plant assortment someday or the other. They’re little flying bugs the size of an organic product fly.

Fungus gnats, then again, are less hazardous than most of the different interlopers on this list.

Their favored food is fungus, not plants, and they eat for the most part whatever is filling in your preparing medium close to your monstera.

Their hatchlings nibble fine root strands and can diminish the power of your monstera. However, the hatchlings have an exceptionally restricted effect since they just involve the extremely top layers of the dirt, away from most of the root mass.

It is seen that these flying ones are irritation and a problem. They whiz around your plants, contaminating the air and attacking where minor little bugs ought not to be.

For treating these pests, prevention is desirable over fix. They require damp conditions to flourish, so let the top layer of your potting medium dry totally between waterings, and this will kill the hatchlings and keep the gnats from truly acquiring traction.

You can likewise utilize the previously mentioned yellow tacky snares as a control measure, and I’ve had great outcomes applying diatomaceous earth to the outer layer of the potting mediums between waterings.

This powder is a non-harmful thing that gets dried out by both hatchlings and gnats.

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Reasons for bugs in your monstera plant

Numerous bugs are drawn to excessive wet and moist conditions, so try not to over-water your plant. This is a word of wisdom in any case because over-watering can also create many other bug-related issues.

The dampness of the soil should be avoided to keep your plants in healthy conditions.

When the bugs hatch, they start to feed on the parasitic matter. They additionally feed on the roots and leaves of your plants which is the thing that truly causes harm to the plant.


Once you clean the intruders off of your monstera’s lavish foliage, it’s an ideal opportunity to contemplate how to hold those little fears back from returning.

Keeping a decent developing climate for your plant is fundamental for preventing it from bugs, and keeping a high level of humidity will assist with keeping insect parasites under control.

To keep new bugs from entering your monstera plants’ environment, quarantine new bugs and cut off contact with the rest of the plants.

Keep a check on the moisture level and have a hygienic background.

With a little care and delicate consideration, your monstera will be prospering, its flashy charming leaves and brilliant radiance, prepared to light up your home again.