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12 House Plants With Broad Leaves : [ # 3 Is My Favorite ]

12 House Plants With Broad Leaves : [ # 3 Is My Favorite ]

When it comes to interior decoration, house plants get added to the list without any question.

It is rare to find a house in this world where the residents have not planted a single plant in their homes.

House plants pull out the beauty in the room, and they can fit anywhere we want. It is always good and satisfactory to have plants in our place.

There are numerous house plants according to our needs; short, big, climbers, and so on.

We adopt one according to our need and those plants which will suit in the decided place.

Broad leaves will be noticeable and will bring out the charm in your place even more than ordinary plants.

If you are planning to buy one for decorating your house as well, let’s see some house plants with broad leaves here:

House Plants With Broad Leaves

1. Elephant Ear Plant (Calocasia):

As the name suggests, this house plant’s leaves are quite big, like an elephant ear.

The leaves of this plant can grow 3 feet long, depending on the variety.

Elephant ear plants are usually grown outdoors, but they can be great indoor plants as well.

The broad leaves will add a different level of beautification to your room. It requires bright, indirect light for better growth. Well-draining or peat-rich soil is best for this plant.

Keeping the ground moist all the time is better for the plant.

Check for the soil’s dryness frequently. Do keep away from children and pets because it can be toxic for them if consumed by mistake.


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2. Monstera Deliciosa:

Monstera deliciosa is a house plant that has stunning broad fenestrated leaves that will add a tropical feeling to your place. It is a famous plant that is seen on Instagram a lot.

People say Monstera deliciosa is Instagram’s favorite plant of all time.

House plants are better grown indoors, hence when this plant is grown with better care, it can very well grow up to 10 feet in height, and the leaves of this plant attains a length of three to four feet.

The leaves are very stylish and mesmerizing when they mature.

To make this happen, Monstera deliciosa requires medium indirect light to bright indirect light for their betterment. When the soil dries up, you have to water them.

Check for the soil regularly. On average, it requires watering once a week.

Well-draining and rich nutrient soil is the best for the plant.

It is to be noted that the plant should be kept out of reach from the pets and the children. No one should consume it because it can lead to stomach upset and skin irritation.


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3. Philodendron Xanadu:

If Philodendron Xanadu is placed indoors, it will be the center of attraction.

It comes to everyone because of its beauty and uniqueness. It has large, leathery, lobed leaves, which are the reason for the attraction.

Its leaves can grow up to 30 to 40 centimeters long, each with ten to twelve lobes.

When it grows bigger, it matures more, and the leaves become more intricate with more lobes. It requires a condition where the supply of indirect light should be between bright to medium all the time.

Water is necessary when the soil will dry up, or else you can leave it usually planted in well-draining soil.

Prevent the children and the pets from the plant, as it is very toxic for them.

4. Rubber tree (Ficus elastica):

This tropical plant is a very popular houseplant worldwide. It is found in various different shapes, sizes, and colors. It has large waxy leaves which catch your attention the moment you look at it.

The rubber plant can grow up to 50 feet in height. As it can grow this big, its size can be adjusted by frequent pruning and root restriction. They need direct sunlight for their growth.

The well-draining soil should be kept moist throughout the growing season.

It has many names, but usually, every name starts with the word’ rubber.’

They are native to Sri Lanka, the West Indies, and the US state of Florida. If you are adopting this beauty, make sure to take good care of it.


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5. African Mask Plant (Alocasia amazonica):

This beauty has special features on its look. It has large deep green leaves, which have prominent designs of deep white or light green veining. The shapes of the leaves are heart-shaped and arrow-headed.

The underlying sides of the leaves are usually purple. African Mask Plant does well in bright, indirect light and rich, well-draining soil.

The soil should be kept moist, and there should be no water-logging in the soil.

Again, just like other house plants, this is also very toxic to the pets and the children.

This unique plant will bring out a different kind of beauty in your place because of the venation in the leaves. Place it somewhere noticeable for a good look.

6. Philodendron Gloriosum:

There are many Philodendron varieties, Philodendron gloriosum is one of them. It has velvety deep green leaves with white veining, which looks astonishing when it matures.

This plant is very rare to find. You might not get this plant in your locality, but it’s not impossible to get.

You need to research it, and you can also contact a plant nursery to get this plant for yourself.

Rare species are hard to find, and at the same time, it’s worth all the hassle you’ll go through.

If you get it, then make sure to provide the plant its needs.

Bright and indirect sunlight with rich, well-draining soil must be watered when it will dry up. If ingested by humans and pets, it can cause problems.

7. Banana Tree plant (Musa):

The banana tree is famous in our country India.

It is mainly grown outdoors, but it can also be kept indoors for its adaptation skills. It has large foliage which can attain a measure of 2 feet wide and 9 feet long.

This is huge. If you’re planning to keep indoors, you need to take measures to maintain its growth to a certain level. The soil should be kept moist and requires direct and full sunlight.

The bonus fact is that it is not toxic for pets at all.

Banana leaves are used in cooking as well but not consumed. There are many ways to use banana leaves other than indoor decoration.


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8. Majesty Palm (Ravenna rivularis):

This 10 feet tall plant is very popular amongst houseplants. It’s relatively a slow-growing plant, but it’s worth the wait. It looks great indoors without question.

But then, it needs good care when placed indoors.

It is hard to keep Majesty’s palm happy.

You have to set a proper condition for the plant to thrive. Proper water, sunlight, fertilizer, and soil are required for the same. Luckily it is non-toxic to animals and children.

9. Calathea Orbifolia:

This extraordinary plant is amazing because of its large orb-shaped leaves. Therefore, sometimes it becomes difficult for plant lovers to adopt Calathea orbifolia.

It is known to be a prayer plant for this matter.

To make this plant happy, you need to place it in a humidity area because it requires a lot of humidity to grow. The soil should always be kept moist, and the sunlight should be bright and indirect.

10. Tropic Snow Dumb Cane:

It is one of the largest varieties of dumb cane.

It can also grow up to 10 feet in height. If you’re going to buy this plant, then you are lucky because it is a plant of low maintenance and can tolerate low light.

The soil needs to be watered once it dries up, just like other houseplants.

It is toxic for pets and humans, so be aware of this. The plant can tolerate negligence and can still thrive in low light for a long time.

11. Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai):

It is also known as Wild Strelitzia, which is a tropical plant native to southern regions of Africa.

These plants grow as tall as 25 to 30 meters.

These are widely used as indoor plants because of their broad foliage, strong and hardy leaves that do not get much affected when brushed against.

They can survive lengthy durations without water, but they enjoy moist soil.

The average temperature in which this plant thrives is around 65 to 80 degrees, but they cope well both in hot places and places with air conditioners.

However, it is advised to keep these plants away from air vents and in spots with bright sunlight where it grows best.

To top that off, these profusely growing plants are also known for their drought tolerance, thus, making them excellent houseplants.

However, they have some disease and pest problems, so do not forget to check the underside of the leaves at regular intervals.

12. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Fycus Lyrate):

These plants are tropical plants that are found in the western regions of Africa; they are also known to grow in rainforests.

They grow up to about 6 meters tall, which makes them an excellent showpiece for your living room, going to their compact nature.

The Fiddle Leaf is a banyan fig that starts its life on another tree, making it its host plant.

Like most other house plants, they also do best in bright, indirect sunlight.

These plants and enclosed places do not go well together, so it’s best to put them in airy areas where they glow.

It’s preferred not to move these plants much because they tend to settle in. The average temperature that plants grow best is about 65 to 75 degrees, making them really compatible with indoor plants.

So, you should definitely try the magnificent Fiddle Leaf Fig, which is an architectural perfection for your living room, is taking all social media by storm.


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Plants are lovely, beautiful, and satisfying creatures. It is said that when you are living in the green, it brings peace and makes you mindless.

If you place plants in your room, you’ll do great with your mind.

The houseplants, as mentioned above, are worth the amount you spent on these different plants with different features and looks.

Look for the details and select the one you want for yourself. It is always great to have plants around you, so why not?