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Indoor Low Light Trees You Can Grow In Your House

Indoor Low Light Trees You Can Grow In Your House

Trees need enough sunlight to grow healthy, and that is the biggest challenge to maintain houseplants. Houseplants bring fresh air and add a pleasant view inside the house.

But the main problem arises in finding a sunny spot in the home.

Let us see a list of indoor low-light trees. These plants can solve the problem of houseplant gardening in small light.

List of Top 14 Indoor Low Light Trees

1. Pothos

Pothos can tolerate low light pretty well. You can keep it in bright, indirect light. Pale leaves indicate there is too much light. It can grow up to 10 feet long.

How to care for pothos?

Water Pothos is drought resistant. Water this plant when 2 inches of soil is dried. Once a week in summer and winter once every two weeks.
Pot Any container having at least one drainage hole is suitable for the pothos plant. Small ceramic pots look pretty with indoor plants like pothos.
Soil Use a proper potting mix soil for pothos. This soil should contain a proper drainage system.
Fertilizer Fertilize pothos once a month with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Learn all about pothos here

2. Oyster Plant

The oyster plant usually grows in the shade of tall plants. They like warmer places and grow tall in summer.

The boat-like tricolor leaves with green, pink, and white flowers make it a top favorite as a houseplant.

How to care for the oyster plant?

Water Proper humidity is important for the oyster plant. You can water the plant once a week. Keep misting to maintain humidity.
Pot Choose a pot according to the plant with a fast drainage system. Too big a pot will prevent the leaves from growing beautiful and brighter as they take more than enough nutrients.

You can transplant an oyster plant every 2-3 years.

Soil Make a porous potting mix with leaf mold and humus.
Fertilizer Apply houseplant fertilizer during the growing season but not in winter.

 3. Bird’s Nest Fern

A unique crinkly look makes this plant a top houseplant. Bird’s nest plants are found in palm trees mostly. They can withstand the low light situation.

How to care for the bird’s nest fern?

Water Bird’s nest plant doesn’t require much water. You can water them once every 1-2 weeks. Avoid watering the center of this plant. Keep misting the leaves to maintain the humidity.

It can thrive in medium to low humidity.

Pot This plant can grow up to 2’ long. Choose a suitable pot with fast drainage holes.
Soil Any good soil mix will work for this plant. Make sure the soil is damp but not soggy. Apply a layer of mulch that can retain soil moisture.
Fertilizer Apply water-soluble fertilizer in its growth period once every two weeks.

4. Baby Rubber Plant

Baby rubber plants can tolerate indirect sunlight or a low-light environment. Please don’t plant it in direct sunlight. It is a small houseplant that can grow up to one inch.

How to care for the baby rubber plant?

Water Water baby rubber plant 1-2 times a week in low light situations. Increase the watering frequency with an increase in light.
Pot Small plastic or ceramic pot is perfect for this plant with good drainage. As the baby rubber plant has a small root system, repoting is not essential.
Soil A mix of 2:1 peat and sand or perlite works best for the baby rubber plant. It helps to drain excess water.
Fertilizer Use any good fertilizer twice or thrice a year.


  1. List of plants that attract bees
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5. Snake Plant

Snake plants can survive with low maintenance.  It is one of the top houseplants as it is easier to grow, even for beginners in gardening.

How to care for the snake plant?

Water Snake plants can tolerate drought. Water them once every two to three weeks. Maintain the humidity with misting.
Pot Choose a pot with proper drainage holes. Terracotta works better over plastic pots for absorbing excess water.
Soil Use a regular soil mix for the snake plant.
Fertilizer This plant doesn’t need much soil. You can use any essential houseplant fertilizer in a growth period.

6. Lady Palm

Try to place your lady palm plant near any east-facing window or balcony in indirect sunlight. This plant is comfortable in temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to care for the lady palm plant?

Water Lady palm doesn’t need much water. Let the soil one inch before watering. When the plant grows larger, you can put pebbles on the soil surface to prevent it from reabsorbing the moisture.
Pot Choose a pot with a saucer and proper drainage holes. Repot the plant every two years.
Soil Lady palm grows best in rich, well-drained soil mixed with organic matter.
Fertilizer Fertilize this plant only in summer with liquid fertilizer. Apply it in half-strength.

7. English Ivy

English is one of the most popular houseplants as it can thrive in low light yet has multiple benefits. This plant can purify the indoor air.

How to care for the English ivy plant?

Water Ivies prefer dry soil. Before watering, check the soil surface. Watering it once a week might be sufficient in low light.
Pot Small English ivy plants look beautiful in hanging baskets. It compliments their vines as well. Repot this plant every year.
Soil Make a potting mix with a layer of mulch to retain moisture.
Fertilizer Feed the plant once in two weeks during spring and summer. Use a fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in 2:2:2.

 8. Syngonium

Syngonium plant prefers indirect or diffused sunlight. It can also grow in low-light conditions.

How to care for the Syngonium plant?

Water Water almost daily during summer and spring. Let the arrowed vines dry partially between watering.
Pot Syngonium plant grows fast. It is better to repot frequently according to the length. Terracotta or clay pots work best for this plant.
Soil Pick a soil-based potting mix based with good drainage.
Fertilizer You can apply liquid fertilizer in the growing season once a month.

Also read:

  1. Should you mist your plants? Here’s the truth
  2. Bottom watering vs top watering: Which one is better?

9. ZZ Plant

ZZ is an indoor-friendly plant. It can grow in bright light as well as in meager light. If you’re a beginner in gardening, ZZ is your best choice.

How to care for the ZZ plant?

Water ZZ plant is similar to cacti. It can thrive if you forget to water it for some weeks. Water the plant only when the soil gets dried out totally.
Pot You can choose any pot according to the size of the plant. It is up to you when you want to repot this plant.
Soil Use any bare potting soil for the ZZ plant. It is one of the best plants you can grow in low light.
Fertilizer Use a fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in 2:2:2 once a month.

10. Anthurium

Anthurium comes with bright, colorful flowers. It can withstand a low light situation but grows slowly with fewer flowers.

How to care for anthurium?

Water Feel the soil before watering; if it is dry, water almost regularly. Do not keep a soggy root.
Pot Choose a pot that has proper drainage. Repot the plant every year.
Soil Make a potting mix inclusion orchid soil or perlite with potting soil in a 1:1 ratio.
Fertilizer Anthurium does not need regular fertilization. Apply ¼ strength of fertilizer every 3-4 months. For better blossom, you can use a fertilizer with a higher phosphorous number.

11. Prayer Plant

As the name suggests, the leaves of this plant fold like a praying hand at night. This plant cannot bear direct sunlight. Put them near a window in indirect sunlight.

How to care for the prayer plant?

Water Water this plant. Both insufficient watering and overwatering cause harm to this plant – water prayer plant when the upper layer gets dried.
Pot Choose a regular pot with a drainage hole. To improve the drainage process, you can add some rocks or gravel to the bottom of the pot.
Soil Include loamy soil, peat moss, and coarse sand in a 1:2:1 ratio with the soil. Make sure it is acidic.
Fertilizer Fertilize prayer plant from two weeks to early spring to fall with a water-soluble fertilizer.

 12. Peace Lily

Peace lilies brighten your office corner or room with their white flowers. It can grow in a room condition and low light condition with minimum care.

How to care for the peace lily plant?

Water Peace lilies can thrive when underwatered but die due to overwatering, and watering peace lily plants once a week is enough.



Pot Choose a pot well drainage and repot the plant when the plant stops steady growth even after proper watering. Choose a 2-inch bigger pot for repotting.
Soil Peat-based soil mix works best for health peace lily growth in low light conditions. Try to keep the soil wet but not soggy.
Fertilizer Peace lilies don’t like much fertilizer. Only in the spring season apply organic fertilizer once in two weeks.

13. Boston Fern

Boston ferns are one of the most common ferns seen at homes. You can put them in the washroom or bathroom as they can grow better in moist conditions.

How to care for the Boston fern plant?

Water Water Boston fern daily. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves can turn brown.
Pot Choose a small pot. You can repot when the fern grows big, or you need to change the soil.
Soil Add perlite and peat moss to the potting mix for a better result.
Fertilizer Apply a houseplant fertilizer every 2-3 months.

14. Spider Plant

Spider plant adds a vibrant look to your house with the long, bright leaves. This plant can grow in a low-light environment.

How to care for the spider plant?

Water Spider plants prefer moderate moisture. Water them when the soil gets dried. You can also mist the leaves.
Pot These plants look great in hanging pots or baskets. You can plant spider plants in small pots.
Soil Use any nutrient-rich potting mix for a spider plant. Make sure it has well drainage.
Fertilizer Apply water-soluble or granular time-release fertilizer to spider plants in the growth period. Over-fertilization causes browny leaves.

Which is the best indoor low light plant?

Sanke Plant is one of the best indoor low light plants.

Advantages of Snake Plant:

As we discussed in point five, the snake plant is friendly. It doesn’t require much care but grows as a healthy, green houseplant.

It is why we recommend the snake plant as the best indoor low light plant.


This is a low-maintenance indoor plant. Even if you forget to water it for four weeks, it can survive. Snake plant doesn’t require compulsory fertilizer or any definite soil.

Required space:

Snake plant or ‘Mother-in-law’s tongue’ plant can grow up to one and a half feet tall, and leaves are three inches across. Any small place like a wall shelf and tabletop is enough for this plant.


Snake plant has various benefits as a houseplant.

  • The snake plant works as a great oxygen-producing agent in the home. So you can get fresh air in your bedroom or living room always.
  • This top houseplant is effective against allergies.
  • It uplifts the home decoration with bright leaves with a unique snake pattern.


In this article, we recommended the top 14 plants that grow in low light. These plants are easily maintainable and add great decor to your home or office.

Keep in mind, as the light is low, the watering frequency will also change. Keep an eye on these small facts and make a green thumb soon.