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11 Types of Houseplants That Are Easy To Use : [ Our Best Pick ]

11 Types of Houseplants That Are Easy To Use : [ Our Best Pick ]

Choosing the right types of houseplants to put in your home is an important decision, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. There are many types of plants that can help make your space a more welcoming and comfortable place. This article will discuss some popular types of houseplants that you might want to consider for your home.

Types of houseplants you should look in 2022

This section will talk about the types of houseplants you can invest in to make your home livable, healthy, and fresh.

1. Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos is a popular indoor plant among women & men for many reasons. They are reasonably easy to grow and maintain, making them very appealing to beginners or people who want an attractive but low-maintenance houseplant.

Golden Pothos can be grown in some shade outdoors when planted under trees that provide dappled light all day long.

They are also an excellent plant for low-light areas indoors. It will grow and thrive in lower light conditions than most other houseplants, making them perfect for placing on the floor or along with a window sill without spending extra time and money using artificial indoor lighting. Golden Pothos also has the benefit of not needing to be watered very often and can survive on far less water than most other houseplants.

Golden Pothos enjoys being in moist soil, but not soggy soil & they are pretty easy to propagate with cuttings from stems of mature plants. They don’t require a pot with drainage holes as Golden Pothos has roots grown close to the surface.

Due to these attributes, Golden Pothos is an excellent plant for people who live in humid areas & want to create a small home garden.

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2. Croton

Croton plants are a genus of flowering trees and shrubs that belong to the soapberry family. Crotons usually grow up to about 10 feet tall with striking foliage, glossy leaves, and large greenish-white flowers.

They can be found in tropical regions such as Southern Nigeria, West Africa, and Eastern India, where they flower from May through November.

Croton leaves are known to hold medicinal value to deal with disease, as they can be used for traditional medicines and other therapies. They have also been found to contain a natural pesticide that aids in fighting off pests such as ants or termites.

The plant has many uses for its healing properties – from treating coughs and colds to easing pain and reducing swelling, among other things.

Croton plants can be grown in a pot or planted outside on the ground. They are known to grow well when planted near another flowering plant, as they attract bees that will help pollinate them. The best time of year for planting is around November – December before the frost settles in for the winter.

It is important to water the plant regularly, as they need a lot of moisture and don’t like dry air. The soil should be kept moist but not wet for optimal growth – most Croton plants will rot if there isn’t enough drainage in their roots. If you are looking for a decent plant for your home gardening, croton could be a great choice.

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3. Lemon Lime Dracaena plant

The Lemon Lime Dracaena plant is a beautiful, easy to care for a houseplant with many benefits. It has cascading fronds that can grow up to three feet long, and its leaves are large, thick, glossy green in color.

The Lemon Lime dracaena plant flowers are not showy, but the plant is grown for its green foliage, which has a citrus aroma. Lemon Lime Dracaena plants are easy to care for and can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.

They do not need much light, so they make a great houseplant that requires minimal maintenance. The only setback of the Lemon Lime dracaena plant is that they will drop leaves and flowers if not repotted frequently.

Lemon Lime Dracaena plants are easy to care for, have a beautiful cascading appearance with large glossy green fronds, and can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. It does require frequent potting up because of its need for more space, but it is a great low-maintenance houseplant that can also be grown outdoors in warmer climates.

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4. Jade Plant

The Jade Plant is succulent and produces many thick green stems from the ground. They can reach up to four feet in height with leaves two inches long, flat, and glossy, like an emerald or jade stone.

It has been popular for centuries in China, where it was traditionally used as medicine only by royalty to treat disease but is now widely used to cure various ailments.

Jade Plants are hardy succulents that can survive in many different climates and may even be tolerant to frost, as they have been known to grow outside during the winter months. They require little water or light and produce small white flowers upon what looks like green branches after flowering.

Jade plants are versatile in their uses, as they can be grown indoors or out, planted alone or with others. They prefer well-drained soil, so make sure to plant them with a pot containing stones or pebbles. It requires sunlight but does not need it as long as the roots are moist enough.

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5. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is a typical house plant that has been used for its good luck and beauty in many cultures. The Snake Plant can also be known as the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Spathiphyllum, Ark of Taste, or Peace Lily. It produces white flowers before it dies back to produce offshoots. Snake Plants can range in color from white, pale green, or pinkish-white, and the leaves are stiff with a sharp edge.

It’s an excellent plant for those of us that don’t want to deal with plants all day long. The Snake plant likes water about once every two weeks, but it will still survive if it goes a few days longer. The good thing about snake plants is that they don’t need much light and will do well in any room of the house with some natural light coming through windows. Snake Plants are great for those that have jobs with long hours because they like to be neglected.

Those who want to create an organic gardening atmosphere in their home could be a great choice. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance flora to brighten up your living space, the Snake Plant might be perfect! It also works well as a standalone decoration piece on your desk because of its modern, sleek design.

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6. Anthurium plant

Anthurium is a flowering plant that belongs to the species/family of Araceae. They originate from New Zealand and are grown mainly in tropical regions such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, India, and Thailand.

Anthuriums can be found with green leaves or variegated (white) foliage since they have chlorophyll pigments which give them their colors.

They are quickly grown in pots or planters and require very little maintenance. They need to be watered every couple of days during the summer months & about once a week in winter.

Anthurium plants can have flowers that are single or double, small and round. The color of the flowers may range from white with green tips to deep pink.

Some people use Anthurium plants as a popular houseplant. Anthuriums are usually given to people for their homes during December because they symbolize peace and have evergreen leaves, representing eternal life.

They can be placed by an open window or in a spot where there is not much direct sunlight. The flowers typically last about a month and then need to be removed.

People who like anthurium plants for their homes enjoy them because they are not as demanding and do not need much care.

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7. Peace Lily Plant

A Peace Lily plant (scientific name is Spathiphyllum) is a popular indoor flowering houseplant. They are graceful in appearance, with large leaves of up to two feet and small white flowers that bloom at the top of the stem.

The Peace Lilly blooms during most seasons but prefers cooler temperatures for best growth. They like moderate light and a place where they can get air circulation. Peace Lilies are easy to grow from seed, or you could start one by taking an offshoot of the plant’s roots (called rhizomes).

Some benefits of Peace Lily plants include pollution reduction, low maintenance indoor interior decoration; a natural humidifier for dry climates; and a natural oxygen filter. Peace Lilies are also famous for their ability to clean the air from formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), xylene, ammonia.

According to many professional experts, you can put them in areas with 60-70% humidity and a temperature between 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit to grow. They grow best in indirect sunlight or low light conditions.

Peace Lilies like to be watered two times per week when they are actively growing. However, you should allow the soil to dry out before watering again because over-wetting them can cause root rot. Usually, you should be fertilized three times a month with an all-purpose fertilizer.

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8. Majesty Palm

Majesty palm is one of the most popular palms in Florida and throughout other states as well. It can be found worldwide, though they are mainly grown in subtropical regions like Hawaii, where it thrives on high humidity.

They will not grow or thrive if exposed to dry conditions for too long. These tropical plants are one of the most well-known in Florida, California, and other tropical regions because they are resilient to harsh conditions.

The Majesty Palm is a hardy plant that will flourish if given what it needs for optimal growth. They prefer full sun or partial shade but as long as their roots do not stay wet for too long, they will be fine.

The Majesty palm can grow up to 40 feet tall and has a long lifespan, but to reach the height that many people desire, it must have total sun exposure and water drainage so that its roots do not get too wet.

If this type of environment cannot be provided or maintained consistently, then the Majesty’s palm will be stunted and not reach its full height.

In order to grow a majesty palm, they need plenty of water and nutrients in their soil that are lacking or depleted. You should use a slow-release fertilizer to last longer than other types and provide more nutrition for the plant.

Watering: When people first start growing Majesty palms, they are told how difficult they are because of their high water consumption rate. It is essential to make sure that the soil never dries out for too long or they will die. They require a lot of water, but not at once as it can cause them problems, which may also kill them. Regular watering sessions are best so that the roots stay moist and do not dry out whenever there is no rain from time to time.

Growing Majesty Palms requires a location that offers sunny days and well-drained soil. These palms don’t tolerate wet roots or climates under 70 degrees, so be sure to grow the appropriate palm for your area.

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9. Monstera Plant

– Monstera plant is a type of flowering vine that grows in Southeast Asia & they are known to grow rapidly and can reach up to 30 ft high by 20 feet wide.

They can be used as house plants due to their beautiful leaves that grow from a vine with large, oval-shaped leaflets (or leaves), which are dark green on the top surface, light green on the underside, and have deeply indented veins. The underside (or bottom) of the leaves are also covered in waxy white hairs.

Monstera deliciosa plant does exceptionally well when used as container plants, and they can even be grown indoors for a more controlled environment. They need evenly moist soil to thrive but will die if left underwater or dry out completely from lack of water. The most important thing is to ensure they get plenty of sunlight.

Keep in mind that, Monstera plant is considered a poisonous toxic plant and should be kept away from pets or other animals that might ingest it. The Cultivar of the plant is a fruit’s flesh that can cause skin irritation if touched by hands but will not affect humans when ingested through the mouth (i.e., eaten).

The most common issues for Monstera are yellowing leaves or dropped leaf tips caused by low humidity.

Monstera plants grow best in bright indirect sunlight and need about 16 hours of sun per day or as close to it as possible, although they can tolerate lower light levels.

When watering a monstera plant, the soil should be moist but not soaking wet. You want there to be some air in the soil for better drainage.

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10. ZZ Plant

Known as zz plant, zamioculcas zamiifolia is a flowering perennial. It can be grown outdoors year-round in zones 12-15, but is best grown indoors.

It has a tall, strong stem and produces zigzag leaves that are green on the top surface and white with silver hairs underneath. The zz plant bears clusters of small pale yellow or orange flowers at the end of this stalk during its blooming season from May to August.

The zz plant is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that requires bright, filtered light. It does well in a variety of soil types and can be propagated by division or cuttings.

ZZ plants are fairly drought tolerant and do not require periodic watering unless they are kept outdoors during the winter season.

The zamioculcas zamiifolia has many different growth habits and forms as it matures, depending on where it is grown. In zz plant, the leaves are a dark green color that can reach up to three feet long. This perennial prefers moist soil but will not tolerate standing water or constantly wet roots; zz plants like to be moist but not wet.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia is propagated from offsets or seedlings, which can take one year for the plant to mature enough to bloom again. Zz plants are drought tolerant and do not require watering when grown outdoors in temperate climates; zamioculcas zamiifolia should be watered when the first inch of soil is dry.


If you are looking for the perfect houseplant that is beautiful and easy to care for, look no further. We have outlined some of the most popular types of houseplants and explained how they could be made even better with just a few simple tricks. The next time your friends ask what type of plant would work best in their new home or office space, send them this blog post! Which type of houseplants do you think will fit into your current lifestyle?