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Can You Grow Corn In A Pot? [ Here’s The Answer ]

Can You Grow Corn In A Pot? [ Here’s The Answer ]

If you are reading this article, then you might know what corn is.

The ones who don’t know about corn: Corn, also known as maize, is an edible plant. It is a tall cereal grass that is grown for its starchy seeds.

The seeds are, in particular, known as corn.

Corn is prevalent all over the world. It is used in a variety of foods. Corn goes well with many kinds of food like Pizzas, salads, sandwiches, and many more.

It is much more popular because of its good taste and health benefits.

It can aid digestion because of its high fiber content. Valuable vitamins and minerals are also there in corn, which helps to improve your overall health.

Corns need the care to grow and give you what you want. It requires full sunlight and fertile soil for its perfect growth.

The growing temperature for corn is an extensive range.

The minimum temperature for its development is 10 degrees Celsius, and the maximum sustainable temperature is around 45 degrees Celsius. Well, we can say that corn is a fighter plant in terms of temperature.

Let’s learn more about its growth:

Can you grow corn in a pot & container?

Yes, you can grow corn in a pot and also in a container. The only thing is that you can develop a limited amount of corn when using pots and containers. If you have corn seeds, soil, water supply, fertilizers, pot or container, rooftop or balcony, or any open space for direct sunlight, then you’re good to go! There’s nothing much you need but time and care.

Don’t worry; it is not that difficult or complex to grow corn in a container at your place. All it requires is good direct sunlight and warm soil.

Therefore, situate the container in a place where the plant can get sunlight for more than 6 hours a day.

It would be best if you place it in front of a heat-absorbing and light-reflecting wall. As here we are planning to grow crops in a container with a limited supply of nutrients, fertilizers are a must for corn.

Corn needs a great amount of water supply.

Watering it twice a day, morning and evening, is best for the corn. Fertilization should be done once. If you take care of these things, you can grow an excellent corn plant in a container.

How to grow corn in a pot & container?

Step 1:

Gathering containers for the growing purpose. Not only clay containers, but containers like wooden crates, laundry baskets, garbage cans, etc., will also do.

Anything big and wide will do, but we need to make sure that it has a drainage system and should be strong enough to support and hold the plants in the future.

The minimum size for the plant should be around 30 cm wide and 30 cm deep.

This minimum measurement will grow around four big-sized corn plants. Every plant requires its own space and nutrients, and so, we need to find a bigger container for the crops to grow more healthily.

Step 2:

There are different varieties of corn. First and foremost, we need to choose the variety we want to grow. There are two main divisions for the corn, ornamental purpose or taste purpose.

Corn pollinates via wind pollination or cross-pollination.

This is the reason why we need to choose one purpose of growing corn in one container.

Corns which grow shorter stalks are suitable for growing in containers.

For example, Strawberry popcorn, Trinity, Chires baby sweet, and many more. There are corns for taste purposes, and they are Sugar Pearl, Vision, Bodacious, etc. These corns are sweet in terms of taste.

Step 3:

Use garden soil which is formulated to retain moisture.

Use fertilizers frequently for better growth. Place the corn seeds 4 to 6 inches apart.

If we follow the measurement mentioned above for a container, we should place four seeds in one container, 2.5 inches deep into the soil.

In respect to giving each plant some space of its own, this method should be followed.

What is the ideal corn container size?

A container with a minimum size of 30cm wide and 30 cm deep will do perfectly. We can use containers; the only problem is the outcome will be less; that is, 30×30 containers will help you grow only four corn plants.

Therefore, if you can provide a bigger container, it will give you more. Why is this so? This is due to the personal requirements of each of the plants.

Every plant needs its own space.

By giving some more space to them, we are providing the plants with more nutrients and minerals.

If the plants cluster in one place, they will start fighting for the nutrients from the same place.

It will become the survival of the fittest test. To prevent such situations, it’s better to give them what they need.

The pot or the container should have a drainage hole. Waterlogging is not suitable for plants.

Fertilizers are necessary and should be added after ten weeks of sowing. 5-10-10 or 10-20-20 fertilizers are best suited for corn plants.

Water is an essential part of every plant. To make the corn sweet and soft, you have to keep the soil moist all the time.

If you follow these things, you’ll get a healthy and tasty corn plant after 60-100 days.

The harvesting time solely depends on the variety of the corn and weather. But then, whatever it is, it won’t take more than 100 days.

Can you grow in a 5-gallon bucket?

Yes, you can grow corn in a 5-gallon bucket. As I said before, it is possible to grow corn in any bucket with a minimum size of 30 cm wide and deep. Well, planting one corn seed is better for a 5-gallon bucket. One plant will get enough nutrients and nitrogen for its betterment. Note: nitrogen is essential for corn.

Whichever container you’ll take, make sure to place the corn seeds 8-10 apart from each other.

Early planting will need 1-inch deep sowing, and for later planting, you have to arrange 2-inch deep sowing.

Corn roots can spread up to 1 foot.

To maintain your corn plants, you need to prevent weeds.

Weeds are very dangerous for corn plants. It doesn’t allow the roots to spread and ultimately damages the plant if not taken care of.

Many corns lose their flavor and taste when placed with other varieties of corn in the same container. It is better to isolate the varieties. As cross-pollination can take place, it is better to plant the varieties apart or entirely in a different place.

Only three types of sweet corn are classified as regular sweet corn, super sweet, and sugary enhanced. Corns also varied in their color, texture, sweetness, firmness, and taste.

If you want to plant different types of corn plants, you should place them 100 yards away from each other due to cross-pollination.

Pollen sheds at a different time in the case of the corns; to prevent this, distance is required. We can also do something else to avoid this cross-pollination.

The timings of the crops depend on the variety.

We can plan and harvest the corn, which will mature within two weeks or so. The time difference can also help you to prevent hybrid corn.

Sweet corn is best suited and grown in well-draining soils. It is best if we place it in a sand-based mixture with pH levels of 6 or 6.5. By any chance, the pH level is high; add some sulfur to reduce the level of the pH.

Germination will be better if we use fertilizers in the soil.

The best time to harvest corn is just after springtime.

The ground needs to be warm enough for the growth of the corn plants. During the daytime, it germinates and stops growing when the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to get corn to produce?

There are few things you need to arrange and know before moving forward with the production of corns:

Garden Layout:

Decide the location for growing the corn babies.

If you are planning to grow two kinds of corn plants in the same place, make sure to harvest the two types 240 feet apart from each other.

This is due to cross-pollination, as mentioned above.

Planting the corn in a parallel way makes pollination between the same types more. This also helps in producing full ears of corn.


Use a stake set at the end of the garden and make straight rows for the corns. Leave 3 feet between each row to avoid overcrowding.

I have explained above the need for giving space to the plants.

Anyhow, with the rows, try to form a square to increase pollination. To ensure proper drainage and aerated soil, we need to till the rows up to 3 inches.


The best time to plant your corn seeds is to avoid damage and stunt growth after the last frosting of the year. Corn needs warm soil to grow better.

The best temperature of the soil is between 60 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature falls below 50 degrees, growth stops. Thus, corn grows best during day time.


Nutrient-rich soil made of heavy loam is best for the corn when they are planted 1 inch deep in the soil. If you can arrange sand soil, the depth should be 2 inches maximum. The seeds should be 8 inches away from each other to avoid overcrowding.

Fertilization: Corn uses nitrogen in abundance during their growing season.

Hence, fertilization is necessary because of the lack of nitrogen in the soil.

If we use the same soil over and over again, then external catalysts like fertilizers are essential.

You should also know the nitrogen level in the soil, and if it lacks nitrogen, then you should provide some fertilizers in it.

Facts: There are many varieties of corn, and you should avoid planting two or more varieties in the same place.

Corn also varies in terms of the time of maturity.

Late season corn variety requires 90 days to mature.

If you are planting this variety, then you should sow it a long time before winter arrives.

Early season corn will develop within 70 days. If you have less space and want to grow corn, try Indian and sweet corn varieties, which mature 20 days apart from each other.


Corns are very tasty and readily available.

But then, producing corn on your own is a different feeling altogether.

Corns are quickly grown if you have the required products with you. All the best! Everything requires knowledge, and before starting something, you should be well prepared and do your homework.