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Is Mango A Deciduous Tree? [ Answered ]

Is Mango A Deciduous Tree? [ Answered ]

Mangoes are a popular fruit that a lot of people enjoy all over the world. Some believe they originated in South Asia and are now grown in many tropical regions. Mangoes come in different varieties. You can eat them fresh or use them in various recipes. The leaves of a mango tree are large and green, and they can grow up to 20 inches long.

This blog post will explore the truth about mangoes and their leaves. We will answer whether mangoes are deciduous trees and why some perceive them as such.

Is Mango a Deciduous Tree?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. While mango trees are technically deciduous, we do not always classify them as such. It is because mangoes typically only lose their leaves during the dry season, typically from December to February.

So, while mangoes may lose their leaves during winter in some cases, it is not a consistent occurrence. For this reason, many people do not consider mangoes to be true deciduous trees.

However, mangoes can be deciduous trees for a few reasons.

  1. They are native to tropical and subtropical climates. In these climates, it is common for trees to lose their leaves in winter due to the lack of sunlight and warmth.
  2. They have a short growing season. Mangoes typically only grow for four months out of the year. During this time, they will produce new leaves and fruit. Once you harvest the mangoes, the tree will be dormant until the next growing season.
  3. They are not able to tolerate cold weather. If you expose a mango tree to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, it will lose its leaves.

What Do We Mean by A Deciduous Tree?

The word “deciduous” comes from the Latin word for “falling off” or “dropping off.” A deciduous tree is a tree that loses its leaves at least once per year. There are many different types of deciduous trees, and you can find them all over the world.

Deciduous trees are an important part of many ecosystems, providing shelter and food for various animals. Some of the most common types of deciduous trees include maples, oaks, elms, and aspens. These trees have broad leaves and sturdy branches.

The leaves of a deciduous tree will usually turn yellow or red before they fall off. There are many reasons why trees lose their leaves, but it is typically because the weather has become too cold for the leaves to stay on the tree.

Why Are Mango Trees Considered Deciduous Trees?

Mango trees are deciduous because they start losing their leaves from December to February. Mangoes are native to tropical regions and require a lot of warmth and sunlight to grow.

Mangoes are also not able to tolerate cold weather. During the dry season, there is typically a lack of sunlight and warmth in tropical regions. It can cause mango trees to lose their leaves.

They start losing their leaves when exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can harvest Mangoes in the summer months, but in some parts of the world, they are available year-round. You can use them in recipes and eat them fresh or dried. Mangoes are also a source of Vitamins A and C and fiber.

Is It Possible to Keep Mango Trees From Losing Their Leaves?

Yes, it is possible to keep mango trees from losing their leaves. However, it is important to note that doing so may have negative consequences.

If you prevent a mango tree from dropping its leaves, the tree will be less productive. It is because the tree will not be able to go into dormancy, and it will not be able to produce new leaves and fruit.

Take note that if you keep a mango tree from dropping its leaves, the tree is more susceptible to disease. When this happens, the leaves will shelter pests and diseases, spreading to the rest of the tree.

Can Trees Be Evergreen or Deciduous?

Trees can be either evergreen or deciduous. An evergreen tree is a tree that keeps its leaves all year round. A deciduous tree is a tree that loses its leaves at least once per year.

There are many different types of trees, and you can find them worldwide. The most common trees include maples, oaks, elms, and aspens.

Tell Me the Difference Between Deciduous and Evergreen Trees?

The main difference is that deciduous trees lose their leaves yearly. At the same time, evergreen trees keep their leaves all year round.

You can find deciduous trees worldwide, which play an important role in many ecosystems. Evergreen trees are abundant in mild climates like the Pacific Northwest.

Deciduous trees are also taller than evergreen trees and have broader leaves. Evergreen trees tend to have needles instead of leaves. They are also shorter and thinner compared to deciduous trees.

Why Are Deciduous Trees Important?

Deciduous trees are important for a few reasons.

  1. They help to regulate the climate. When trees lose their leaves in winter, they help cool down the earth’s surface. It is because leaves absorb heat from the sun and release it into the atmosphere.
  2. They help to prevent soil erosion. When leaves fall from a tree, they help hold the soil in place. It is especially important in areas where there is a lot of rainfall.
  3. They provide food and shelter for animals. Many animals rely on the leaves of deciduous trees for food. In addition, when trees lose their leaves, they create gaps in the canopy. Animals can use these gaps as shelter from the sun and rain.

What Is Another Name for Deciduous Trees?

Deciduous trees are also known as hardwood trees. They have a hard woody tissue used to make furniture and other objects. You can find Hardwood trees in temperate or tropical regions, which can grow very large.


In conclusion, mangoes are not deciduous trees. They are evergreen trees that lose their leaves during the dry season. However, there are a few things that you can do to keep mango trees from shedding off their leaves. These include providing the tree with extra water, fertilizing the tree regularly, and pruning the tree regularly.

If you are interested in learning more about trees, check out our other blog posts!