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Plant That Smells Like Cinnamon : List Of 7 Plants You Should Know

Plant That Smells Like Cinnamon : List Of 7 Plants You Should Know

The plant kingdom is a marvel- a realm wherein plants exist, and we know too little about them. The superficial aspects of it are, of course, relatively well known- that they need water, air, and the sun, that they conduct photosynthesis to grow and develop, and that leaves are green because of a pigment called chlorophyll.

It is certainly not all. Plants have a mind of their own- a will that causes them to exhibit characteristics unique and extraordinary. Some plants are carnivores and use an attractive exterior to trap unsuspecting insects. Some are variegated, some have vivid colors ( yes, leaves too), and some are known for their ability to grow spines.

This article focuses on the olfactory aspect that certain plants possess- more specifically, plants that smell like cinnamon. A distinctive, woody odor one associates with coffee or cakes- replicated in your garden.

Plants that smell like cinnamon

1. Carolina Allspice [ Known as Calycanthus Floridus ]

The Carolina allspice is a reasonably common plant that grows in parts of the USA and peppers fields and meadows.

It is a shrub with links to frequent growth in woodlands, with proximity to a water body. They smell distinctly of cinnamon- a warm aroma that wafts towards hikers.

The smell is most potent in the leaves and the stem, intensifying if you rub the region.

It is a plant you could quite quickly grow in your backyard, provided you have enough access to water and light. The Carolina allspice favors warm weather.

2. Cinnamon Yam

A flowering vine frequently spotted in several regions across Asia, the cinnamon yam is a plant that stores the cinnamon smell in its flowers.

The vine is also responsible for the yam, a vegetable with a flavor akin to a sweet potato. This trellis is easy to grow in warm conditions, combined with a solid monsoon. It is also surprisingly hardy and can withstand adverse conditions.

Related Reading:

  1. Ways to keep your cats away from your plants

3. Wisconsin Current

Also known as the Clove Currant, Wisconsin Currants are flowering shrubs. The flowers are small and yellow and smell vividly of cinnamon when in full bloom.

They have an excellent growth cycle- and generally average a height of around five to six feet. They might take a while to develop correctly. The approximate period will be in around four flowering cycles.

Ensure that the soil is loamy but well-drained to avoid flooding. Overwatering could lead to rotting roots, a surefire way to guarantee limp branches and stunted growth.

The plant has a unique way of growth and development- the bush sends up shoots, similar to the way a lilac plant does. These shoots can be extracted and replanted.

4. Cinnamon scented geranium

This particular variety of geranium bears flowers that smell of cinnamon. The plant has crinkly leaves and lots of tiny pink flowers.

A stickler for warm weather, these plants ought to be grown in open spaces- where they have access to open-air and sunshine.

Only water the soil once it is proper;y dry. Overwatering can cause flooding, which at all costs you should avoid.

Freezing temperatures or frost are liable to be fatal, so you may require a shift of location in winters. Be careful, as travel and transplanting can trigger stress-induced shedding. It, however, is a minor blip and is remedied by rest.

5. Dianthus

A genus is known for the wide range of flowering plants that fall under it ( Sweet William, pinks, carnations). Dianthus has pink, white, and red-notched flowers which smell like cinnamon.

These are hardy plants and can be grown or sourced in annual, biennial, and perennial varieties.

Dianthus thrives best in the sun and requires a considerable amount of water, provided the soil is well-drained and periodically treated with nutritional additives.

These plants are the ideal choice for a potted display on your porch or a flower bed along the fence. The cinnamon smell acquires agency and is a potent odor in your garden when it comes in contact with the air.

Further Reading:

  1. Here are some plants that ants won’t like

6. Shooting Star

Also referred to as Prairie Pointers, this plant has a vertical, upright form- a stalk arising from vivid basal leaves that end in large flowers growing in clusters. These pink and white flowers get one of their names after the petals- that shape to a star-like pattern.

Known to grow around rivers or bodies of water, the Shooting Star has an affinity for moist but well-drained soil.

A perennial with a ‘light shade’ requirement, this plant is precious to bees and participates conspicuously in the pollination process.

7. Dame’s Rocket

A fanciful name for a plant characterized by showy, cinnamon-scented flowers, Dame’s Rocket is a herbaceous, biennial plant known to grow up to heights of 4 feet.

The plant has no specific area for growth- you can see it thrive in ditches as it does in woodlands. In addition, they tend to grow in clusters- a plentiful array that always is a pleasing sight.

The flowers themselves are noticeably large and start growing from about a height of 3 feet above the ground.

A charming addition to any garden or backyard, Dame’s Rockets are easy to grow, develop quickly, and have proven themselves to be easily sustainable.

These are a few of the plants that either has leaves or flowers that smell like cinnamon.


Gardening is no easy feat. And gardeners, as a rule, are often wont to nurture fancies. Some want their gardens the epitome of the organization, while others prefer charming disarray. Some like their gardens to have a fixed color scheme, while some have a bevy of flowers and leaves in a mix of colors, cheerily random.

Nursing a penchant for cinnamon-scented plants is no different. And as elucidated above, there are quite a few options. They are most readily available, fit for growth in a garden, and require no more effort than an ordinary plant would.

If you belong to the category of people who would like a hint of cinnamon spice in their gardens, this article’s for you!