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Plants That Grow In Bottles : [ See Our Favorite List ]

The best part about indoor gardening is that you can grow plants of different shapes and sizes in so many different containers to best suit aesthetics and beautify the desired locations inside your house. Bottles are an excellent choice for a container, and several plants can be grown and well-sustained in them.

Let us look into the different species of plants that you can grow in bottles and decorate your living space with here.

Plants That Grow in Bottles

1. Herbs

Different herbs like parsley, rosemary, oregano, dill, chives, cilantro, basil, watercress, and mint can be very easily grown and nurtured in glass bottles.

The upside to growing these herbs in your home is that you can consume their leaves however you desire since most of them are edible. Hence, they not only come in handy in making your house look pretty but also offer you their edible foliage.

2. Pothos

You can raise these plants hassle-free in bottles and glass jars as they are extremely low-maintenance plants.

Raise your pothos in your favorite glass bottle or jar, and they will be good to go! These babies can be cultivated from cuttings and planted in the soil, or you can dip their roots in water. They are extremely popular houseplants, and you can find them in every other house or office.

Pothos leaves can be toxic to your pets. If ingested, it might trigger vomiting, mouth irritation, and sore throat. Keep them away from your cats and dogs.

3. English Ivy

These ivies can be cultivated and nurtured with relative ease in glass bottles and jars. You can either plant their roots in soil or left dipped in water.

They survive either way perfectly. English ivies enjoy the sun, so make sure you keep them in a spot that experiences ample bright sunlight throughout the daytime.

They are ideal for you if you aim to get your hands on a houseplant that requires the minimum possible care. Even though they enjoy the sun, they can also survive well enough in dim-lit regions of your house.

English ivy can be grown as a spilling houseplant if you trim it every once in a while.

You can trim them into beautiful shapes if you want to make them grow and increase their spread. Alongside beautifying your indoors, these plants are also useful in keeping the air inside your house cleaner as they are good air purifying plants as well.

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  1. List of plants that grow in cold regions

4. Wandering Jew

They are one of the finest varieties of plants that can be grown in bottles. Wandering Jews bear a colorful and striped leafage that is also pretty intricate and dainty, and they look especially pleasant in glass jars and bottles.

These plants have extremely resilient survival tendencies and can easily adapt to the conditions around them.

You can grow these plants in the complete shade as well.

Wandering Jews bear more colorful foliage when they are grown under the sun. If they are grown in a more shaded region, then their leaves start emitting a hint of greenish color.

5. Cactus

Certain breeds of cacti, namely Angel’s wings, and Bishop’s cap, can very well be grown in glass jars. These are small in size and look rather adorable on tabletops, and can be a cool addition to your study room or office space as well.

With their spikey exterior and somewhat twisted bodies, cacti can be a cute addition to your indoor décor.

Small indoor cacti have gained popularity in terms of being a great choice for a houseplant and almost an integral part of indoor decorations.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most popular choices for houseplants. They can be seamlessly grown in small glass jars when they are young. Other than being attractive, aloe vera plants provide us with a myriad of benefits as well.

These plants enjoy a lot of warmth but can be very easily grown in colder climates as well. Aloe vera plants are extremely low maintenance. It is almost ridiculous how they pose as such a beautiful addition to your home décor while also carrying so health benefits while being easy to grow the plant.

Please make sure you transfer your aloe vera plants to bigger pots once they grow up substantially. Till then, they can be very well grown in glass jars.

On being exposed to the optimal amount of sunlight, these succulents quickly produce their characteristic fleshy leaves. They love a little bit of shade from the harsh afternoon sun.

Otherwise, keep them exposed to a lot of sunlight throughout the day. Aloe vera plants require a nominal amount of watering. Steer clear from overwatering them as it may cause root rot.

7. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass can be grown extremely easily in glass bottles and jars as long as you keep the soil moist. If kept in a location where there is ample shade, these plants produce soft and dainty foliage.

Wheatgrass is ideal for being a houseplant as it is simple to grow and comes with several health benefits. Use a decent potting mix in the soil. These plants can tolerate both dry and moist conditions equally well.

According to experts, these plants can provide numerous health benefits when consumed in powdered form or as a juice. It can act as a health tonic and help keep certain diseases at bay if you consume it daily.

They are full of antioxidants and have both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.

They are also rich in iron, calcium, enzymes, vitamins A, C, K, B, and E complexes, phytonutrients, proteins, magnesium, and 17 amino acids.

When consumed regularly, it can boost your metabolism, improve your immunity, reduce your cholesterol, and help keep your blood pressure under control.

8. Purple Oxalis

Oxalis bears colorful foliage and is resplendent in glass bottles and jars. They enjoy a lot of diffused sunlight and look their colorful best when exposed to it.

Their leaves have a purplish tinge to them and come in unique shapes. They also blossom pretty little flowers and look beautiful on sunny windowsills and tabletops.


  1. List of plants that grow in dry areas

9. Snake Plant

These plants have tall leaves that grow straight upwards and come in a wonderful contrast of yellow and green. They look very attractive in glass jars, and they also come with a lot of benefits.

Snake plants have a great ability to purify the air as well. It removes toxins from the air like VOCs, benzene, xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air inside your house, according to multiple studies conducted by the NASA clean air study.

These plants can withstand exposure to full sun, but it is advisable to place them in a moderately shaded region where indirect and bright sunlight is abundant.

10. Coleus

Coleus can develop from cuttings and does not require soil to grow. Place them in a glass jar or a glass bottle filled with water, and they will be good to go.

Expose them to ample sunlight to witness their best growth. Hence, an ideal place to keep them is on a windowsill, where it will get its desired quota of sunlight and look extremely pretty.

Their leaves are light green and look bright in a very subtle way against the sun. Sometimes, some of their leaves can also turn reddish or brownish, giving the plant a bicolored attire.

11. Strawberry

Strawberry plants are one of the most easy-to-grow and popular indoor fruit-bearing plants.

You can easily grow them in plastic bottles, and these plants can also be grown under artificial light. They can be nurtured and grown in any season of the year.

Use a good soil mix to grow these plants in bottles. As soon as they fully bear their fruits, make sure you pluck them immediately after you notice that they are ripe. This practice expedites their rate of fruiting.

12. Spinach

Spinach can be very well grown indoors in plastic bottles as long as the bottle is of ideal size (8 inches high or more). Choose a good potting mix for the soil and plant the seeds of the plant in them.

Make sure you keep them in a shaded region inside your house and water them regularly.

These are very easy to grow indoors. Spinach plants do not enjoy a lot of sun and love the winter months more than summer. Strictly avoid exposing them to direct and bright sunlight as it can cause a good deal of damage to the plant.

13. Lettuce

Lettuce can be grown indoors in big bottles. You can either start growing them by planting their seeds or choose to use the bottom part of lettuce to grow them.

Cut this portion of the lettuce to about 2-3 inches and place it in water for a few days and wait for the roots to start growing out.

As soon as you notice that the roots have grown out, it is time for you to plant in your preferred bottle in soil with a good potting mix. These plants love the sun so ensure them ample sunlight.

14. Spring Onion

Spring onions are ideal plants to be grown in plastic bottles.

They do not have any bulbs at the end. Plant their seeds in a good potting mix.

To get continuous supply all year long, plant them in a succession of every 2 to 3 weeks. These plants have an extremely high growth rate and require only 6 to 8 weeks to grow fully.

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Growing plants indoors is a good way to ensure beautiful home décor and has multiple beneficial sides.

Many plants that can be grown indoors provide us with fruits, edible leaves, and purer air. Some of these plant products, if consumed, provide us with multiple health benefits as well.

Houseplants can be grown in plastic bottles, glass bottles, and glass jars with good ease.

If you are looking to grow plants indoors and do not want to grow them conventionally inside pots, this article is sure to help! Go through the list of the plants you can grow in bottles and jars and make your favorite choice.