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Do Pothos Like Eggshells? [ Find Out The Answer ]

Do Pothos Like Eggshells? [ Find Out The Answer ]

Pothos or Devil’s ivy is undoubtedly one of the popular houseplants that add beauty to your room even with a little care. If you are a tree hugger but often forget to take care of these, pothos is the best houseplant for you.

They can survive with one time watering every one to two weeks. If your room does not have enough daylight coming through, it will not bother the pothos, as it can live, even in the dark.

Epipremnum aureum or pothos is a vine with large, heart-shaped, pointed leaves that stay green even in the low light. However, in some rare cases, this plant can flower naturally.

But if you want an impetuous flowering, you need to supply artificial hormones to this. Pothos grows swiftly even though the plant spends its entire life indoors.

Though it is a vine, it does not need support to expand. Caring for pothos is an effortless task as it does not require that much attention, and this vine is pest-free. The only thing you have to do is enhance the nutrients value of this plant-soil by using eggshells.

Do pothos like eggshells?

Pothos like eggshells because they enhance the nutritional value of the soil. As we have said earlier, your pothos only needs soil maintenance. Though this vine does not require frequent watering and broad daylight, the caregiver only has to protect the soil of the vine. And with the help of eggshells, you can do it with ease.

Most of us love eggs. Thus instead of throwing away the eggshells after use, you can employ them as your pothos’ food. Each gram of eggshells contains 40% calcium and over 90% calcium carbonate, making the soil robust and the vine sturdier.

Pothos collect calcium from the soil that helps them sprout. Calcium makes this clinging plant more resilient.

As eggshells are the highest source of calcium, you can put them in the pothos soil. The caregiver should clean the eggshell so that no egg-white is left. Afterward, sun-dry the eggshells to mash them together with the earth.

If you do not want to crush it with the soil, you can put the eggshells at the bottom of a pot and transfer your pothos to that container. The eggshells will act as an organic fertilizer and also help the damaged roots to recover.

So now you might have understood why your pothos would be so happy if you put eggshells in the soil. The substances and minerals present in the shell make pothos sturdier by escalating the nutritional soil properties.


  1. Pothos types: Know everything here

Can you use eggshells in your pothos?

You can use eggshells in your pothos as these make the vines more vigorous by supplying calcium to them. As we know, apart from nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and oxygen, devil’s ivy badly needs calcium. Calcium extends the cell walls of plants. It helps the plant to thrive and plays a significant role in its root and pollen tube growth.

So it is significant to put eggshells into the soil, as it can provide sufficient calcium to your pothos. But the method of putting it in can be a tricky business.

People often do this organic fertilization process in the wrong way. One of the easy methods you can try is making eggshell tea for your plant. First, clean the eggshells so that no egg yolk and egg-white remain, as these attract pests.

Then expose the shells in the sun to dry out completely. You can use a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle to make a fine powder of the shells.

After that, pour boiling water over the powder and allow it to soak for at least eight hours. Overnight is the best. The next morning, strain the shells from the water and pour the water onto the soil.

Your pothos will surely enjoy this tea and get stronger. In addition to this, there is another method of putting eggshells into the soil of your pothos.

Just make the smooth powder of clean eggshells using a coffee grinder and mix it with the soil. Remember, the finer the powder will be, the quicker your pothos absorb it.

Many people think overdoing the fertilization process will help the pothos grow more quickly, but this concept has no base. The soil of your pothos needs a minimum time of two to three months to soak up the shell powder properly.

After this tenure, only the plant will start collecting the nutrition from it. So repeat this organic eggshell fertilization process with a minimum gap of six months.


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Why should you use eggshells in your pothos?

You should use eggshells in your pothos as the shell is the richest source of calcium. Calcium deficiency in a plant can cause deformed leaves, weak roots, and disrupted stem growth.

If you want to welcome none of these nightmares, taking proper care of the pothos and the soil is the ultimate option you have. Your plant requires a balanced diet, just like you. And in this diet, calcium is equally important as other substances.

You can meet the calcium deficiency by preparing an eggshell seed starter. Put some soil into a clean eggshell and sow pothos seeds there. Wait a few days for the seeds to sprout.

As the seedlings grow big, you need to transfer the pothos along with the eggshell to a larger pot. On the other hand, using a dirty eggshell can cause intense harm to your pothos as it can attract pests. So, use the eggshells in the proper ways, as suggested earlier.


Your pothos, like any other houseplants, escalates the beauty of your adobe. As they do not need daily watering or routine pruning, you can try this eggshell fertilization process once a semester. If you do it correctly, you will surely observe a vast difference in your pothos, obviously in a positive way.