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Pothos N Joy Vs Pearls And Jade : [ Know All The Differences Here ]

Pothos N Joy Vs Pearls And Jade : [ Know All The Differences Here ]

Being an easy-going plant with no or minimal requirement, planting pothos is a better idea to start with and get used to planting.

It’s available in multiple types such as golden pothos, Manjula pothos, etc. Although all the species resemble each other to a great extent, there are some differences.

Out of all the types of pothos, the two most popular and hot selling pothos are N’Joy and Pearls & Jade.

Therefore, if you are fond of pothos and planning to plant one, you can consider either of these two! If you want to confirm which pothos is the best, read on.

I’ll discuss all the similarities and differences between N’Joy and Pears & Jade in the upcoming sections. So, let’s start.

What are the differences between pothos N’Joy vs. Pearls and Jade?

The below are the main differences between pothos N’Joy and Pearls & Jade you should know.

How were both species formed?


This particular species of pothos, N’Joy, is a result of a special breeding program.

Due to this unique breeding, N’Joy possesses special features you may not find in the other varieties of pothos. Here’s how it all went.

Centuries ago, the breeders wanted to produce a unique form of pothos with bright variegation of leaves. However, to make this possible, the breeders wanted a superior clone.

And for this, they decided to pair an unnamed clone of Marble Queen pothos. And that’s how this N’Joy pothos originated.

This species was founded in 2002 by Ashish Arvind Hansoti in one of Mumbai’s commercial greenhouses. Since its discovery, over 25 stable generations of N’Joy have come to the fore.

Pearls & Jade

These pearls & jade species of pothos came into existence through almost the same process as N’Joy. That is, pearls & jade also belong to one of the groups of Marble Queen.

Leaf shape and its texture


It’s a bit interesting. Except for the first-ever reproduced variety of N’Joy, the rest of the plants have smaller & broader leaves with smaller internodes.

However, the color distribution is far better in the newer plants than the parent species.

Therefore, the newer plants are better in variegation. Plus, you can find more than two green shades in the leaves of newer N’Joy pothos.

Talking about the structure of the leaves, the average length of each leaf is around 5.6 inches against an average width of 4.1 inches.

Plus, this N’-Joy variety doesn’t grow much in size. Hence, it’s famous for compact growth.

In terms of texture, the texture of the top surface is different from that of the bottom. While the top surface is smooth & waxy, the bottom surface appears leathery in touch.

Pearls & Jade

Like NJoy, this pearls & joy also experiences stunted growth and generally stays short, with a maximum height recorded being approximately 7-8 cm.

Additionally, the overall shape and other characteristics of the plant vary from plant to plant. The leaves are thin as paper and feel like paper only in terms of their appearance and texture.

Height & structure


Due to its slow growth mechanism, the NJoy plant usually grows up to a height of 15-25 cm with a spread of 25-30 cm.

However, remember that this variety grows and spreads depending upon its surroundings. That means you can have more than one NJoy planted at home.

Appearance-wise, this pothos species involves a cluster of new shoots from the center. Each branch houses a maximum of 10 leaves.

Pearls & Jade

The pearls & jade pothos can attain a maximum height of around 7.4-8.7 inches, with the size of leaves in the range of 2.6-2.8 cm. In other aspects, both these forms of pothos have similar characteristics.

So, these are the main differences between pothos N’Joy and Pearls & Jade. Let’s now understand what the main similarities between N’Joy and Pearls & Jade are.

What are the similarities between pothos N’Joy vs. Pearls and Jade?

Apart from the differences between the two species, the following are many similarities between the same.

Soil requirements

Similar to all pothos species, both these too thrive in identical soil mixes.

However, a sound drainage system is a must-have in both cases. If the drainage isn’t good, both NJoy and Pearls & Jade will have a poor growth rate and health.

If you are unsure of what soil mix is best for your NJoy and Pearls & Jade, you can try out the following mix.

  • Two portions of Sphagnum moss,
  • Two portions of pumice,
  • Four portions of coco coir,
  • Four portions of perlite,
  • Six portions of orchid bark (or pebbles).

There’s one thing you should remember. Please don’t use any regular soil as it may contain pathogens or pests. Hence, choose any high-grade potting mix.

You should ensure that while planting the plant, there are no living organisms present in the ground; otherwise, they will absorb all the nutrients from the soil.


Not only NJoy and Pearls & Jade, but all pothos species also have identical water requirements.

While there is no much to think about while watering the plant, you have to understand the slight difference between underwatering and overwatering.

It is because both these can kill your pothos plants. Hence, it’s mandatory to maintain the balance.

For this, insert your finger into the soil. If it feels moist or your finger comes out covered with soil, you can abstain from watering the plant.

However, if it feels dry or your finger comes out dry, you should add a small quantity of water. Or you can also observe the top layer for dampness or dryness.

If both the pothos are getting overwatered or underwatered, you may experience the following symptoms.

  • Brown or black tips of the leaves,
  • Wilting stem,
  • Leaves developing dark spots,
  • Curling or crisper leaves, etc.


Again, all pothos, including NJoy and Pearls & Jade, have similar requirements in terms of temperature. While everyone will tell you that maintaining a minimum temperature of 50°F and a maximum of 90°F is sufficient for the plants to survive or thrive, it’s not like that always.

As per experts, the optimal breeding temperature range for all pothos is approximately 65°F to 85°F. Within this temperature range, the pothos won’t experience too much chill and heat.

Though you can plant both NJoy and Pearls & Jade indoors and outdoors, you should ensure that you don’t plant pothos outside during winters. Also, not under the direct influence of sunlight during summers.


Since both NJoy and Pearls & Jade have beautifully variegated leaves, you have to take care of the lighting conditions around them.

Though they can thrive under different conditions, the more balanced the lighting conditions are, the better.

As a thumb rule, notice the color of the leaves to discern whether the pothos is receiving more light or less light.

If the leaves are vibrant and emerald green, they are getting optimal light; however, in yellow/brown/black leaves, it is receiving more than the required light.


All pothos are light feeders of fertilizers. Although you may not feel the need to add fertilizer to the soil, some quantity isn’t harmful either if it’s necessary to add.

For example, if the soil mix is unable to deliver the required nutrients to the plant, it’s better to take the help of fertilizer.

Choose an organic fertilizer with natural components and add a fixed and small quantity either once or twice a year.


For both Pearls & Jade and NJoy pothos, a minimum humidity of 50-70% is necessary to avoid dryness around the plant. Also, since they belong to the tropical climate, they can better evolve in hot and humid conditions.

So, these are the main similarities between pothos NJoy and Pearls & Jade.

Here’s a summarizing table for differences between NJoy and Pearls & Jade

NJoy Pearls & Jade
The leaf size is approximately 5.6 cm by 4.1 cm. The leaf size is generally 2.6 cm by 2.8 cm.
The top surface feels waxy and smooth, while the bottom is leathery. It feels like paper in thickness and appearance.
Its leaves are similar to a blade. Its leaves are petite.
In this, the leaves have multiple shades of bright green. However, here, the leaves feature shades of green, white, and gray.


Here’s a summarizing table for similarities between NJoy and Pearls & Jade.

NJoy Pearls & Jade
The parent pothos is Marble Queen. Here, the parent pothos is also Marble Queen.
It’s a small indoor plant. It’s also a compact houseplant.
It is a vining plant. It is also a vining plant.
The rate of growth is slow. Here too, the plant grows at a slower pace.
NJoy requires water only when the topsoil appears dry or the roots are dry. Here also, you should water the pothos only if it appears dry.
NJoy doesn’t need fertilizer for its growth. Like NJoy, Pearls & Jade also doesn’t depend upon fertilizers for growth.
Keep the plant away from direct sunlight. Pearls & Jade also thrive in shady conditions, away from direct sunlight.
Here, the minimum humidity required is at least 50-70%. Here too, an optimal humidity percentage is 50-70%.



If you are a novice in the subject called plants, you should start your journey in this direction by mastering the art of cultivating easy-going plant-like pothos.

It’s available in different types like golden pothos, Manjula, Jade, etc. Out of all the varieties of pothos, two particular and in-demand species are NJoy and Pearls & Jade.

If you are not sure which pothos to bring home, you can decide on the same through the differences and similarities discussed above. In either case, you won’t regret your choice.