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How To Repot A Monstera? [ Here Are 6 Ways ]

Repotting the houseplants after every few years is a significant part of gardening. It is an energy-demanding task and can be tricky for bigger plants.

We bring seedlings or plants with a few leaves from a nursery to our house garden.

But they shoot growth super soon, and the roots no longer fit in the original pot. So there is a need for new pots for the roots to get sufficient space to grow again.

Although Monstera plants need repotting once in two years, the process can be time-consuming.

It is because these climbers have a solid trunk and may also include a moss pole. Let us talk about the repotting process in depth.

How to repot a Monstera?

You can repot a Monstera in the following steps.

Step one

You have to choose the best time to repot your Monstera plants. Early spring is the best season for repotting. Spring is the growing season, and so your plants will recover quickly from repotting.

However, if you see signs that the plants need new pots earlier, then go ahead. If the roots absorb water too fast or are bursting out of the potholes, do not delay the process.

Step Two

The next step is the selection of new pots. Select a pot that has a larger diameter and has more depth than the previous pot.

The diameter should be slightly bigger, and the depth must be enough to accommodate the newly grown roots.

The container must also fit a sturdy moss pole. Remember that an oversized pot will hold more water than the plant needs and lead to root rot. Buy a pot that has good drainage.

Step three

The next step is to choose new soil and get the pot ready for replantation.

Buy a regular indoor potting mix from a nearby nursery. Fill one-fourth or one-third pot with the mix. Stick the moss hole to the soil at this stage if you are planning to add one to your garden.

Step four

Now, remove the Monstera plant from its old pot. To remove it, turn the container upside down and gently coax the plant out.

If it is not coming out, try to jiggle the pot a little. Take help if required, but do not pull your plant. Pulling the plant straight out can break its roots, leaves, and stems.

If your plant is enormous, then ask someone to hold the pot while you support the roots as they come out.

If possible, get one more person to support the upper part of the plant while getting it out. If a moss pole is grown on your Monstera, hang it out as you remove the plant from your pot.

Step five

After removing the Monstera from the old pot, put it in the new one. Arrange the plants around the stake if you have added a new one.

Dig deep and narrow holes to fit the roots well.

If your Monstera has a moss pole and transplanting it, carefully put the roots into the new pot.

Gently lower the roots into the container and then fill in the gaps around them with more soil. Add potting soil on the top as well and leave about 2 inches of clearance on top.

Step six

Add water to the new pot till it comes out of the drainage holes. If the soil sinks a little, add more soil to the pot.

You may see a little droopiness in your plant, but it is normal after repotting.

Place the plant at a place with lots of bright and indirect sunlight. Hold off on the fertilizer for about four weeks, and your plant will recover soon.

Also read:

  1. Know the reasons for monstera leaves curling

How do you know when to repot a Monstera?

Repot a Monstera when you see signs like overgrown roots, lack of new growth, and poor water retention. Monstera plants do not require frequent repotting, but you must do it once in 2 years to ensure healthy growth. Check the size, water absorption tendency, and last repotting time before planning the procedure. Repot your Monstera when:

It has been two years since the last repotting

It is a perfect guideline to repot after every two years before the growing season. Younger plants may grow aggressively and need frequent repotting. However, for mature plants, this time is ideal for repotting.

Roots come out of the drainage hole

Young plants are fast-growing and need repotting more frequently. Checking the drainage holes of pots is the best way to know if your Monstera plant needs a new container or not.

If you see roots coming out of the drainage holes, your Monstera has outgrown the pot. Select an enormous container so that roots get more space to breathe and grow.

Excessive root growth will make the Monstera root-bound, and repotting can help. Many people buy too large pots while repotting, considering that the plants will get more space to grow.

But this is an incorrect practice and can harm the plant instead of benefitting it. If your garden does not have room for bigger pots, consider trimming the roots.

The soil is not holding much water

If, after watering, you see the water coming out of the drainage holes quickly, you must inspect your plant roots.

It is an indication that your plant has become root-bound. A root-bound plant is one in which the roots cover the entire pot leaving no space for soil. Due to this, the soil does not absorb water adequately, thus affecting the plant’s overall health.

While repotting, buy a pot bigger than the previous one and untangle the roots before putting the plant in the new soil.

Although tangled roots do not affect the health and growth of plants, they can affect the water retention capability of the soil.

This way, the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients is significantly reduced. Untangling the roots will make sure that every tip has access to fresh soil.

There is no new growth

If your Monstera is healthy, but you do not see any new growth, it is time to repot it. There are many reasons for no or slow growth of plants, like low humidity, improper watering, and a lack of essential nutrients.

If your Monstera has not been subjected to any stress recently, no growth must be because of improper pots.

Checking the roots can help you decide if there is a need for a new container or not.

If roots are untangled or are more than the soil, you need to repot your Monstera. Every plant and its needs are different. So it is significant to check the cause of no growth in your Monstera before carrying out the repotting procedure.

Also read:

  1. List of monstera companion plants

Do Jade plants like to be root bound?

Jade plants can grow as usual, root-bound in a small pot. Root bounding jade plants keep them smaller and more manageable. You must repot the younger jade plants every 2 to 3 years to encourage growth, while a period of 4 to 5 years is sufficient for repotting the older ones.

Plan the procedure before the growing season. Start watering the plants one week after repotting, and add fertilizers after at least one month so that you do not burn the fresh roots.

Ways to save a root-bound jade plant

A root-bound jade plant is one in which roots have grown so much that there is no or less space for the soil.

The absence of soil means that the plant has become deficient in water and essential nutrients.

Some visual clues that indicate your jade plant is root bound include yellowing of leaves, slow growth of the plant, roots displacing the soil, drooping of leaves, and breaking of the pot due to root pressure. You can adopt the following ways to save a root-bound jade plant:

  1. Repot your root-bound jade plant.
  2. Divide the plant into two halves and repot the halves separately.
  3. Trim the extra roots.

Repotting is the best solution to this problem. Get a pot bigger than before, add new soil, and let your plant grow.

But if space is an issue in your garden, then consider trimming the roots of your jade plant. Carefully remove it from the old pot, trim the roots, add new soil to the container, and replant it.

Final words

Repotting Monstera is not that difficult. All you need to do is to spare some time and carry out the procedure before the growing season so that the plants get sufficient time to recover.

If your plants are large, seek help from a partner to do the job seamlessly.

While selecting the pot, do not go up more than one size.

While some think a larger container will be more spacious, it can rot the roots by waterlogging. Also, always add high-quality soil to the plants while repotting so that it has enough nutrients for the healthy growth of your plants.